Mission Statement
The Protestant Community Church is an inclusive, ecumenical faith community purposefully seeking to be caring, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, study, prayer and Christian service.
Our church’s connection with the greater church is through our membership in the International Council of Community Churches (ICCC). The Council is an international, intercultural, interracial fellowship of churches and ministry centers, which seeks to realize Christian unity in local, national, and world relations. Membership in ICCC connects PCC with the larger church through affiliation with the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches, and Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC), while allowing us to be who we are in theological terms, in all our variety, and to determine our own form of church government. We choose the level of our financial contribution to the ICCC.
We are a self-governing inclusive Christian congregation of many backgrounds and races that purposefully address issues that have divided other churches. We look for common ground as we center on Jesus as our Christ. In spite of our individual ideas and backgrounds, the congregation has the courage to face current social and theological issues. Each pastor brings to the church a unique preaching style. The variety of the pastors’ backgrounds and strengths also provides the individual congregant with options when in need of spiritual counseling. PCC is a welcoming sanctuary for those who are starting their spiritual journey as well as for those “well along the path.”
Role in the community
PCC was established to serve the needs of all the Protestants in the community. It has retained that role today and people feel free to turn to the church for baptisms, weddings, and funerals, even though they are not active members. While PCC began as a place of worship for the summer residents Cathedral of the Woods, today worshippers come from many surrounding towns.