Fundraising and Development

The Fundraising and Development Ministry oversees its own committee and coordinates with other groups and initiatives. It comprises individuals identified, solicited, and staffed by the Vice President of Fundraising and Development, with nominating assistance from all Board Trustees. The Ministry Identifies opportunities for single-event development and the creation and sustaining of ongoing programs, which will be fun while also serving the educational, fellowship, and social/entertainment needs of individuals and families both within and outside our church community, to strengthen bonds of fellowship within PCC membership and with our nonmember neighbors in surrounding communities. It also strategizes procedures and methods, identifies personnel to execute the identified events and programs, and reaches out to other ministries and/or unaligned individuals for assistance in executing events and programs. Where appropriate, the Ministry identifies, strategizes, and facilitates events and programs that can serve as a funding source for the Protestant Community Church of Medford Lakes, either on a per event or ongoing basis.