

This is an exciting and joyful time for you and your families. As you plan for this sacred celebration, we hope you will find the information which follows to be useful. Our intent is to plan with you with the goal of making your wedding one of great meaning, beauty and happiness.

Our Church’s Wedding Coordinator, Cindy Conolly, is available to help you with a myriad of details. She, along with the clergy and organist, will provide support for you and your wedding party. She will be present for the rehearsal and the wedding ceremony. Our church staff will be glad to offer assistance and answer any questions.

Best of Wishes!

Christian Marriage

These guidelines assume that there is a difference between a Christian or Church wedding service and a purely civil ceremony. The Christian wedding is a worship experience, and is built upon the assumption that God in Jesus Christ is the focus of what we do. It presupposes that the couple being married are making promises to God and to one another in the presence of family and friends.

The ceremony is led by one of our clergy, who will meet with you three times in the months leading up to your service, and who will provide you with the resources from which you can plan your wedding. Our clergy are pleased to have suggestions from you about the content of the ceremony; however, they remain responsible for the final form. (The participation of another ordained minister may be included in a service. This matter may be discussed with, and authorized by, one of our clergy. One of our pastors remains responsible as the host pastor.)

Reserving The Church

Planning for your wedding begins with a call to our Wedding Coordinator at 609-654-4220. Cindy Conolly will confirm availability and walk you through the process, discussing fees and scheduling appointments when necessary. She will also schedule visits with clergy. The main sanctuary of our church comfortably seats up to 240 people and is air conditioned during the warmer months. Please note that ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED IN AND AROUND THE CHURCH. We request that the wedding party refrain from use of alcohol prior to the rehearsal and the wedding.

Photography and Videography

As the wedding is a sacred occasion, photographic distractions are inappropriate. Flash cameras and moving about during the service, either by professional photographers or members of the congregation, are not allowed. Arrangements can be made to pose for pictures immediately following the ceremony. Couples may use the gardens surrounding the church for their photographs. Our gardens are seasonally planted and always beautiful.

Flowers and Decorations

Since the beauty of our sanctuary is in its simplicity, extensive decoration is unnecessary.

Decorations on the ends of the pews are permitted but are the responsibility of the bride and groom. These decorations will be put up by Cindy Conolly and taken down after the ceremony and returned to the couple. The typical wedding service at the Protestant Community Church is candle-lit. In addition to the candelabras at the front of the church, candles are placed along the center aisle.

The use of aisle runners has been discontinued due to safety concerns.


A printed order of the marriage ceremony is not necessary, although it can be helpful to your family and friends in attendance. In the event that a bulletin is used, the printing is the responsibility of the bride and groom. If a bulletin is made, we would encourage including information concerning the prohibition of flash photography and video taping (except for the approved individual) during the service.


The wedding rehearsal provides instruction and practice for each person participating in the ceremony, including the parents of the bride and groom. Arrangements for rehearsals are made with the Wedding Coordinator. We require couples to bring their marriage license to the church at the time of the rehearsal.

Use of Rice, Confetti, etc.

The use of rice, birdseed and confetti is not permitted on church property. If a bulletin is used for the service, please include this information. Bubbles or bells are acceptable in lieu of these items.

It is our hope and prayer that these policies and procedures will help in the celebration of God’s blessings on your marriage.

To Request more information, please contact the church office at (609) 654-4220