Christian Education

Christian Education supports its own committee initiatives, as well as those of various other committees. Christian Education oversees several programs as determined by the Board of Trustees, including our Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Journey to Adulthood programs. It also assists the Pastor with the Confirmation Class program. This leadership is essential to ensure that the youngest members of our church families receive appropriate education, support and fellowship throughout their journey from childhood to adulthood.

Sunday School

The purpose of the Sunday school program is to teach the children about the love of God and the importance of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Our Sunday school program is set-up in what is called a Rotation Formation. We use a curriculum called “Come Join The Circle” which creates the kind of learning environment where the Bible is at the center and fun and creativity abound in an environment that individualizes as well as builds community. Come Join The Circle welcomes learners and leaders into the heart of the Bible’s great stories. Each new rotation begins with a Bible Story that is taught to the children for a five-week period in six different methods. The six different Learning Centers are Storytelling, Art, Fun and Games, Food, “Brain Teasers” and “Time Out”. By the end of the five-week period, the children have not only learned the Bible story, but they have “experienced” it in a way that allows them to remember the story and apply it to their lives. Once we have completed a rotation, the children attend church (which is called “church Sunday”), then a new rotation begins again!

Regular Sunday school starts in September and ends the last Sunday of May. Summer Sunday school begins in June and ends the last Sunday of July. Children are encouraged to attend church with their family during the month of August.

The Pre Rite 13 class is for children in Sunday school who are in the 6th & 7th grade. The leader of the Pre Rite 13 teaches the children lessons from The Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5 – 7 during the Sunday school year. This class follows the Sunday School Rotation Schedule.

The Sunday school teachers are dedicated to bringing the Word of God to our children, and they enjoy what they are doing with the children each Sunday. Their joy is contagious and delightful, and the children respond to their environment in a very positive way.

All are welcome to join us at The Protestant Community Church! Church begins at 10:00 AM. The Sunday school children first attend church for about 10 minutes, then they are gathered for Sunday school classes that are help upstairs in the Todd Building (the brick building behind the church.) Sunday school concludes about the same time that church ends, usually about 11:00 AM.

From Sept. 15 – Sept. 29th, the Sunday school teachers and I will continue to teach the children the Bible story of The Good Samaritan (adding different activities than was offered at VBS this summer) because the Bible story demonstrates what Jesus was teaching us when he gave us The Greatest commandment which is: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. An intention during this school year is to find charities and causes that the children can be involved with, so that they learn and experience what it means to be a good neighbor to those who need our help. Helping others will help them understand what it looks like and feels like to share the love of God with others, showing compassion and Hi care for all people who need us. All children attend church on October 6th, then the next Sunday school rotation (new Bible story) will start on October 13-Nov. 4th.

PCC Fall 2022 Events

Fellowship BreakfastOctober 15, 20228:30 – 10:00 AM
Sunday School-Sponsored Pumpkin Carving and Soup DinnerOctober 16, 20224:00 – 7:00 PM
Rite 13 – J2A Spaghetti DinnerOctober 23, 20225:00 – 7 PM
Member Care-Sponsored Italian DinnerNovember 5, 20223:00 – 6 PM
Sunday School-Sponsored Thanksgiving DinnerNovember 20, 20225:30 -7:00 PM
Sunday School-Sponsored Advent Happening DinnerDecember 11, 20225:30 – 7:00 PM

Sunday School Events

Journey to Adulthood

There are three sections of the Journey to Adulthood program. The program is based on the key concept that “Manhood and Womanhood are gifts from God, but Adulthood must be earned.” It encourages teens to explore the four areas of Self, Spirituality, Sexuality and Society, and learn to connect their faith to all areas of life.

Rite 13

7th thru 8th grade

The first two years of the program are called Rite 13. During these two years of Rite 13 focus is on recognizing the gifts God has given us, celebrating our creative potential, an having to interact as a community of faith.

Journey to Adulthood (J2A)

9th thru 10th grade

During these years, teens learn and practice six basic skills of adulthood: active listening, negotiation, assertion, research and information management, partnership and leadership. The end of the second year of J2A is marked by the group going on a Holy Pilgrimage.

Confirm Not Conform

A confirmation program that celebrates questions and choices. Confirm not Conform provides a safe place for people to explore the breadth of the Christian tradition, to ask questions and express their doubts, and to discover what they truly believe.