Church Staff

Pamela Jones Business Administrator
Cindy Conolly
Admin. Assistant/Wedding Administrator
Andria Gross
Sunday School Superintendent and Journey to Adulthood Coordinator
Sandy Ritter
Church Organist
Lynne Poag
Chimes Coordinator
Amy Talbot
Children’s Choir Director
Katie Kalinowski
Carillon Choir Director
Michele Rahinsky
Nursery Attendant
Katie Teall
Cathedral Choir Director

Board of Trustees

TitleNameTerm Expires
PresidentDeb Smith12/31/2021
Recording SecretaryMary Clark12/31/2022
Vice President of Administration12/31/2022
Vice President of Christian EducationMichele Rahinsky12/31/2024
Vice President of Christian MinistryLinda Estacio
Vice President of FinanceDavid StuartAppointed 5/2019
Vice President of Fundraising & DevelopmentLaurel Thomas12/31/2020
Vice President of Member CareLinda Hoffman12/31/2022
Vice President of Mission CouncilDiane Smith12/31/2021
Vice President of Outreach Ministry12/31/2024
Vice President of PropertyBrent Schopfel12/31/2020
Vice President of Stewardship and SecurityJim Bennett12/31/2022

Church Office: 609-654-4220

The pastor may be contacted through the church office or by email:
Rev. Dr. R. Timothy Meadows –

In pastoral emergencies:
Rev. Dr. R. Timothy Meadows at 865-898-4727

Endowment Directors

NameTwo-Year Term
Cop, GaryExpires 12/31/2020
Stein, John, ChairExpires 12/31/2022
Smith, DianeExpires 12/31/2022
Thomas, JayExpires 12/31/2020

Pastoral Relations Committee

NameThree-Year Term
Bennett, LisaExpires 12/31/2022
Cop, GaryExpires 12/31/2022
Egbert, SusanExpires 12/31/2023
Gerber, NicoleExpires 12/31/2023
Estacio, MannyExpires 12/31/2022
Vahlstrom, CarolExpires 12/31/2023

Nominating Committee

NameMemberTerm Ends
Mary ClarkAt Large12/31/2020
Dave ReynoldsAt Large12/31/2022
Laurel ThomasBoard12/31/2020