Member Care

The Member Care Ministry chairs its own committee and also oversees several other areas of Church ministry, including the Stephen Ministry program, home visitation of members in need, and the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Each year, Member Care also hosts a variety of Fellowship events, including special Fellowship Hours following the 10:am service.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Volunteers knit or crochet prayer shawls to be given to those in need of comfort or healing.

Lay Visitation

The Lay Visitation Team is made up of volunteers who are willing to reach out to our congregation in various ways. They reach out to those who are shut–in or ill, those who have lost a loved one, family crisis, new residents or wedding and baptism couples. Contacts can be made by phone or personal visits. Lay Visitation Team members receive training that help them to best serve the individual depending on their circumstances.

Stephen Ministry

A one-on-one Christian caring ministry. Stephen Ministers undergo 50 hours of training and make a two-year commitment to serve.

Fellowship Breakfast Group

All are welcome to the monthly Fellowship Breakfast on the third Saturday of the month in the Todd Christian Education Building.

Program Leader: Rick Taylor
Meets: Breakfast – 8:30 am
Presentation: 9:00 am