Church Staff

Church office phone number: 609-654-4220

Pamela Jones
Business Administrator
Kayla MacKinnon
Admin. Assistant and
Wedding Coordinator
Andria Gross
Sunday School Superintendent and
Lay Family Minister
Sandy Ritter
Church Organist
Lynne Poag
Chimes Coordinator
Amy Talbot
Children’s Choir Director
Katie Kalinowski
Carillon Choir Director
Katie Teall
Cathedral Choir Director

Board of Trustees

President: Brent Schopfel

Immediate Past President: Debora Smith

Secretary: Mary Clark

VP of Administration: Gary Cop

VP of Christian Ministry: Linda Estacio

↳Christian Education – Jacquie Long

↳Worship – Linda Estacio

VP of Christian Services: David Stuart

↳Member Care – Suzanne Murray

↳Missions – Diane Smith

VP of Communications: George Greatrex

↳Outreach – Jessica Ritter

VP of Development: Linda Hoffman



VP of Finance: Jim Bennett

VP of Property & Safety: Jay Thomas

The interim pastor may be contacted through the church office or by email:
Rev. Dr. E. F. Michael Morgan –

Church Office: 609-654-4220

Pastoral Relations Committee

The Pastoral Relations Committee is a faith-based committee which serves as the liaison for two-way communication between the pastor and the congregation. The committee members are Lisa Bennett, Gary Cop, Camille Stein, Manny Estacio, and Carol Vahlstrom, committee chair. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please reach out via email at 

Senior Pastor Search Committee

The Senior Pastor Search Committee is currently meeting weekly between services to search for a Senior Pastor. The committee members are Lisa Bennett, Linda Estacio, Chrissie Greatrex, Brian Pistone, John Stein, and Walt Fletcher. If you have any questions about the process please feel free to reach out to them via email at

Nominating Committee 

Mary Clark

Dave Reynolds 

Laurel Thomas 


Endowment Directors

Gary Cop

John Stein 

Diane Smith 

Jay Thomas